靈實恩光兒童平衡車慈善嘉年華 @中環夏誌
HOHCS Balance Bike Charity Carnival @SummerFest
日期 Date: 14/7/2018
時間 Time: 1100-1900
由靈實恩光成⻑中⼼與 CVM 合辦的《靈實恩光兒童平衡⾞慈善嘉年華 @中環夏誌》,有 多達⼆百位兩⾄⼋歲的⼩⾞⼿,進⾏平衡⾞⽐賽;當⽇更有名⼈平衡⾞慈善賽,並備平衡 ⾞及保護裝備,供⼩朋友免費試玩。開幕禮將由⾞淑梅擔任司儀,主禮嘉賓為⻝物及衞⽣ 局副局⻑徐德義醫⽣、靈實董事會主席關繼祖教授及靈實⾏政總裁林政財醫⽣。 此外,嘉年華提供園藝創作、藝術活動、遊戲攤位、⼿⼯藝和禮品義賣,以及傷健團體表 演,為嚴重智障畢業離校⽣籌款,讓他們得到持續學習及發展⽀援,別具意義。
Organised by Haven of Hope Sunnyside Enabling Centre and CVM, more than 200 kids aged 2 - 8 will enjoy all the thrills and fun of a balance bike competition. Plus, there will be a charity contest for celebrities, free trials of balance bikes and protection gear provided on-site, plus gardening, art activities, game booths, charity sales, and special performance by members of various intellectual disability organisations. This carnival activity will raise funds to support graduates who have serious mental issues through continuous learning and developmental programmes. The opening ceremony will be officiated by Dr. Chui Tak-yi, Under Secretary for Food and Health of the Government of the HKSAR, Professor Joseph Kwan, Chairman of Board of Directors and Dr Lam Ching-choi, Chief Executive Officer of the Haven of Hope Christian Service together with the well-known radio programme host Candy Chea as master of ceremonies.
合辦單位 Co-organisers: