香港夏威夷小結他嘉年華2018 @中環夏誌
Hong Kong Ukulele Festival 2018 @Summerfest
日期 Date: 18/8/2018
時間 Time: 1600-2100
香港夏威夷小結他協會已是第三年與CVM合作舉辦《香港夏威夷小結他嘉年華2018 @中環夏誌》,過往兩屆大受歡迎。充滿熱情爽朗的演奏,吸引數以百計夏威夷小結他(ukulele)的愛好者及熱愛音樂人士參加。 來自世界各地和本地的夏威夷小結他好手將聚首一堂,在大舞台彈奏精彩的音樂,同時亦會與其他樂器如結他、陶笛 、口琴合奏等,還有配合Hula Dance的表演。舞台以外,嘉年華亦設有多個攤位,包括遊戲、音樂、美食、攝影區及手工工作坊等,節目豐富。
Jointly presented by the Hong Kong Ukulele Assocation and CVM for the third year in a row, the Hong Kong Ukulele Festival is a large-scale event designed to delight all music lovers with songs on the ukulele, a small guitar-like instrument usually associated with Hawaiian music. The public can enjoy on-stage jamming performances with guitar, ocarina, and harmonica, plus Hula dancers. There will also be game booths as well as music, food and beverage stations, plus photo taking and handicraft workshops. Come and try your hand at playing the ukulele and share in the happy sound this unique musical instrument creates and the wonderful Hawaiian culture that nurtures it.
合辦單位 Co-organisers: