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世界直升機日(香港)2018 @中環夏誌

World Helicopter Day(Hong Kong)2018 @Summerfest

日期 Date: 19/8/2018

時間 Time: 1030-1530

每年八月第三個星期日,被列為世界直升機日,全球各地均會舉行各種活動。香港飛行總會基金今年將再度與CVM合作,在中環海濱活動空間舉行這個世界級航空盛會。《世界直升機日(香港)2018@中環夏誌》規模更大,十架不同型號的直升機及一架定翼機降落於中環,讓市民近距離接觸,更有機師分享航空樂趣,滿足直升機迷的願望。 香港飛行總會會長陳栢堅表示:「直升機可以垂直升降,有水平旋轉的旋翼;定翼機則有固定機翼,需要跑道起飛和降落,各具特色。」當日多部直升機更會開放機艙讓市民參觀;真正的機師亦會駐場,解釋各種直升機的特性,並分享飛行經驗、趣事及航空知識。開幕禮於中午十一時半舉行,由鄧梓峰及陳彥行任司儀。香港航空青年團亦會參與步操表演,現場設多個遊戲攤位,更有摸擬飛行駕駛體驗,讓市民一嘗機師滋味。(當日最後入場時間: 15:00)

The annual World Helicopter Day takes place on the third Sunday of August, and this year the Hong Kong Aviation Club Foundation and CVM are proud to bring this world-class event back to Central again. A total of 10 helicopters and one fixed-wing aircraft will land in the heart of the CBD so visitors can view up close the state-of-the-art technologies of these incredible aircrafts. Some may even get the chance to climb into the cabin to experience what it’s like to be the pilot. During this highly popular event, various professional pilots will also be on hand to share their interesting stories about aviation. In addition, an array of programmes including a pipe band performance by the Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps, flight simulators, games booths, giveaways and much more, will surely attract a great deal of interest. (Last admission time on the day: 15:00)

合辦單位 Co-organisers:

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