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歡迎!Welcome to SummerFest

為慶祝中環夏誌(SummerFest)八週年,今年 SummerFest 將首度分別於全新的灣仔海濱活動空間,以及中環海濱活動空間舉行。「灣仔夏誌:海濱喜動」於4月5日至7月3日上演;中環夏誌於7月5日至8月11日接力, 請大家踴躍支持。


To celebrate the 8th anniversary of SummerFest, this annual programme will be held at the brand new Wan Chai Harbourfront Event Space (WCHES), as well as Central Harbourfront Event Space (CHES) respectively this year for the first time. SummerFest@WCHES takes place from April 5th to July 3rd, followed by SummerFest@CHES from July 5th to August 11th. Please show your support and participation.

WCHES location

SummerFest @Wanchai灣仔夏誌 2024

Click here for details.


WCHES location
CHES Aerial with CVM logo.png

SummerFest @Central
夏誌 2024

Click here for details.


© 2024 Central Venue Management & Serious Staging Limited

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