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Sri Lankans Talents Show 

23 Jun 2024 (Sunday)


數由香港斯里蘭卡協會主辦, 此活動可為不同族裔人士,帶來輕鬆、愉快、共融的時光,透過音樂及舞蹈表演,包括一支著名的斯里蘭卡樂團的演出,推廣斯里蘭卡的傳統、遺產和文化。

Organised by the Association of Sri Lankans in Hong Kong, this event is to  provide a relaxing, inclusive and enjoyable time for all, regardless of ethnic origins, by hosting a musical show featuring a famous Sri Lankan band, along with singing and dance performances, to promote Sri Lankan traditions, heritage and culture.

合辦單位 Co-organisers:

© 2024 Central Venue Management & Serious Staging Limited

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