ARCH-En Route, Holistic Wellness Festival @SummerFest
14/ 07/ 2018
11:00 - 19:00
《ARCH-En Route, Holistic Wellness Festival @ 中環夏誌》是⼀個專為⾝⼼靈 健康⽽設的嘉年華會。⼤會現場以五⾏:⾦、⽊、⽔、⽕、⼟,劃分五個區域,另以⾃由 活動空間為第六區。Metal stage 主舞台以⾳樂及誦經,觸動觀眾⼼靈;Water booths 展覽由多個學院及⾃覺品牌,以不同形式來進⾏療癒⼯作坊;Fire zone 健體 則有城中數⼀數⼆的健⾝教練,帶動參加者⼀起伸展,擁抱內 在⼒量和能量;Earth ground ⼯作坊帶領與會者學習呼吸和放下,⼀起投⼊不同⽅法的冥想和療癒⼯作坊; Wood market 跳蚤市場展⽰各種⼿作品、飾物、⾃覺產品和技能分享;Air space 讓⼤ 家完全放鬆,並可欣賞多項節⺫及即興表演。ARCH 希望透過各類活動,建⽴⼈與⼈之間 的聯繫,從⽽發放愛與和平的訊息。
A unique carnival to promote a healthy body, heart and spirit-- the entire event area is arranged according to the five elements of Chinese ancient cosmology, including metal, wood, water, fire and earth, plus a free space. At the metal zone, live music, singing, and chanting performances plus much more are set to stir the heart. The wood zone houses a flea market where visitors can find a wide range of handicraft gems, accessories, healing products as well as skill-sharing sessions. Different modalities and healing workshops from existing schools and healing brands all come together in the water booths for participants to discover, awaken to, or heal their bodies and souls with. Embrace your inner strength and power while receiving positive energy from some of the finest fitness coaches in town in the fire zone. At the earth zone, different meditation techniques and healing classes guide visitors on how to properly breathe and look within. Moreover, the air space provides a place to relax, chill and enjoy many on-site live performances. With these activities, ARCH encourages individuals to embrace their inner selves and create a community with the intention of loving life.