港島童軍金禧繽紛日 @中環夏誌
Island Scout Golden Jubilee Day @SummerFest
05/ 08/ 2018
12:00 - 19:00
大會特別利用中環海濱的臨海地利,舉行罕見的海上巡遊,並邀得環境局局 長黃 錦星任主禮嘉賓。參與巡遊的船隻多達十四款,包括立划艇、獨木舟、獨木舟救生艇、童軍標準艇、拯溺會水上電單車、拯溺會橡皮艇、機動艇、雙桅帆船、單 桅帆船等,市民在岸便可近距離欣賞各種船隻的特色及駕駛技術。 在陸地上的活動,包括以一系列圍繞森林為題的表演,表現童軍傳統及現代化技 能,如大型先鋒工程、歷險探索、露營體驗、工作坊及展覽等,動靜皆宜,讓市民了解童軍的起源及發展。遊人亦可參與皮工、紙鳶製作及繪畫禪繞畫 (Zantangle)等的製作。現場更設定時演出,包括步操及警犬表演等,節目豐 富,一新耳目。
Come enjoy a rarely seen sea parade held along the Central Harbourfront, showcasing a wide array of boats, which include stand-‐up canoes, canoes, life-‐saving canoes, scout standard boats, jet skis and rafts from the Hong Kong Life Saving Society. There will also be motor-‐boats, single mast and double mast yachts, and much more for visitors to better appreciate different features of sail boats and sailing skills. In addition, all of these fun activities will be highlighted by pioneer construction demonstrations, an obstacle adventure, exhibitions, and various camping experiences. The Island Scout Marching Band will also be on hand to provide a fine music show and foot drill performances. Plus, visitors will get the chance to watch a police dog show and other fabulous events like feather work as well as kite and zantangle workshops.
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查詢 Enquiry:
ase@hkirscout.org.hk or 2835 7712