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Island Scout Golden Jubilee Tattoo @SummerFest

Island Scout Golden Jubilee Tattoo @SummerFest
港島童軍金禧大滙演 @中環夏誌
Island Scout Golden Jubilee Tattoo @SummerFest
04/ 08/ 2018
16:00 - 21:00
《中環夏誌》首次舉行娛樂性十足的《港島童軍金禧大滙演@中環夏誌》;以森 林故事為背景,逾千名童軍成員演出敲 擊樂、唱歌及跳舞等,發揮團隊精神,與眾同樂。
A diverse range of muscial performances and talent shows from hundreds of Scout members will be staged in front of a forest backdrop to let everyone know more about local scouting activities and to share some summer happiness and fun.
更多資訊 Find out more:
報名(如有) Registration(if any):
查詢 Enquiry: or 2835 7712
合辦單位 Co-organisers:


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