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Star Kids @SummerFest
Star Kids @SummerFest
第五屆全港小學校際HIP HOP舞蹈比賽 @中環夏誌
Star Kids @SummerFest
07/ 07/ 2018
15:00 - 21:00
小朋友跳 HIP HOP,別具風格和趣味。由狄易達軍團跳舞學校舉辦的《第五屆全 港小學校際 HIP HOP 舞蹈比賽》,首次與 CVM 合辦,將舞台移師中環海濱,讓 更多人可以參與和觀賞。透過這個小學校際舞蹈盛事,讓小朋友互相交流,展示 習舞成果。今年將有廿三 間小學、合共廿五支隊伍參與,人數多達二百五十人, 爭奪最高殊榮。現場也會有 Dance Kingdom K-POP 表演。
Through Hip Hop dancing, youngsters can explore infinite possibilities for themselves while building their self-confidence. Co-organised by CVM and Dance Kingdom, the 5th annual Star Kids, first time to be held in the Central Harbourfront, is the popular inter-primary school dance competition with the participation of 25 teams from 23 primary schools with about 250 kids to showcase their best dance performances on stage to vie for top awards. Dance Kingdom K-POP will also be performing under the spotlight as well.
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