《吹海風。望天空》表達藝術鬆一鬆 @中環夏誌
"Smell the Sea, Feel the Sky" Expressive Arts Therapy @SummerFest
16-17/ 07/ 2018
18:00 - 21:00
《 吹海⾵。望天空 表達藝術鬆⼀鬆 @中環夏誌》由⾹港表達藝術治療服務中⼼與 CVM 合辦。活動由中⼼的註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師帶領,與參與者⼀起進⾏藝術創作,打 造⾝⼼靈及情緒的舒緩空間。⼯作坊透過冥想、視覺藝術、⾳樂及⾝體伸展等,讓參加者 回到五感體驗,減低壓⼒及焦慮感,從⽽得到⾝⼼靈的休憩。活動名額有限,可在網上報 名留位,先到先得。
Under a spacious, relaxing environment, participants can completely relieve their stress and anxiety at this event organised by the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center and CVM. Through meditation, body movement, music, and visual art creations, the registered expressive art therapists on hand will help attendees re-connect with the five senses to feel nature again, giving the mind and body a well-deserved break. Interested participants may make online reservations under a limited quota on a first-come-first-served basis. (requires pre-registration)
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報名(如有) Registration(if any):
查詢 Enquiry:
info@hkexat.org or 9131 2433/ 9775 8746