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《動動手。跳跳舞》表達藝術親子鬆一鬆 @中環夏誌

"Shake Your Hands, Move Your Body" Expressive Arts Therapy @SummerFest

18/ 07/ 2018

15:00 - 18:00

專為家庭⽽設,由⾹港表達藝術治療服務中⼼與 CVM 合辦的《 動動⼿。跳跳舞 表達藝 術親⼦鬆⼀鬆 @中環夏誌》,以愉快的⾳樂、舞動和視覺藝術,營造⼀個輕鬆和安全的 ⾃然環境,讓⼩朋友放放電,也給家⻑放鬆繃緊的⾝⼼,⼀起享受家庭共聚的優質時刻。 參加親⼦組的⾸⼀百名⼩朋友,可獲 Baleno 贊助的兒童 T-Shirt ⼀件。活動名額有限, 可在網上報名留位,先到先得。

Surrounded by cheerful music, art, dance and movement, this event, organised by the Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center and CVM, provides a safe and fun space for children to release their energy and for parents to relax the tension in their bodies and minds, resulting in excellent quality family time together. The first 100 participating children will receive a tee shirt sponsored by Baleno. Interested participants can make online reservations under a limited quota on a first-come-first-served basis. (requires pre-registration)

更多資訊 Find out more:
報名(如有) Registration(if any):

查詢 Enquiry: or 9131 2433/ 9775 8746

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