補天愛無窮盃 @中環夏誌
Nothing But Net Cup @SummerFest
10-12/ 07/ 2018
13:00 - 21:00
為期三天的《補天愛無窮盃@中環夏誌 - 2018 全港青少年慈善三人籃球公開 賽》,由知行慈善基金呈獻,陳校長免費補習天地及 CVM 合辦,專為基層學生 而設的籃球公開賽。活動以「有球滾動 無窮感動」 為主題,意指基層學生或會 在學業上得不到成功感,但籃球可成為他們的寄託,為夢想奮鬥。在現役職業籃 球員劉子健的帶領下,本屆將會有九十五支隊伍、近四百名球員參加,包括小學 至中學生。壓軸日除了刺激的冠軍賽外,更會有表演賽,精彩奪目。整個活動期 間,現場亦設有籃球場給公眾免費玩樂。
Presented by Brainfield Charity Fund, and co-organised by CVM and Principal Chan Free Tutorial World, Nothing But Net Cup @SummerFest is held to inspire youngsters from underprivileged families. Backed by a spirit of 'Nothing to lose, Nothing but net', this 3-on-3 charity basketball tournament aims to encourage participating youths to pursue their dreams and experience a sense of achievement, even if they are not satisfied with their studies. Under the leadership of pro basketball player Lau Chi Kin, the tournament is expected to attract about 400 players on 95 teams mostly from primary and secondary schools. Many professional basketball players will also attend the event on the second day to host workshops and instruct participants on ways to improve their basketball skills. The championship game will be held during the final day with other exciting performances. The public are also welcome to come and play basketball on the courts for free as well.
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查詢 Enquiry:
fp.hkcnc@gmail.com or 3565 4770
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