野餐交響樂 @中環海濱
Picnic with the Orchestra @ Central Harbourfront
29/ 07/ 2018
09:00 - 23:00
由 Central Venue Management (CVM)呈獻的特別節目《野餐交響樂@中環海濱》,為市民 帶來週日慢活享受。遊人既可帶同野餐枱布及自家輕食,或可享用在現場有售的多款精緻 英式下午茶,領略悠閒的中環時刻。黃昏時份,大舞台將上演兩小時大型音樂會,由五十 人管弦樂團演奏耳熟能詳的樂曲,包括「哈利波特」電影主題曲、「卡門」組曲、「天空 之城」電影主題曲及插曲等,伴隨美不勝收的夕陽景致。 《野餐交響樂@中環海濱》亦會安排一系列親子活動,包括木偶劇場、親子敲擊工作坊、 各式香薰工作坊,以及兩場小型管樂巡遊,由 Ponte Jazz Band 演奏多首輕鬆小品與大眾互 動,讓市民在悠揚旋律與文化氣息中,輕鬆歡度一個愉悅的仲夏星期天。
Specially presented by Central Venue Management (CVM), Picnic with the Orchestra @Central Harbourfront welcomes everyone to enjoy an easy, relaxing lifestyle. Bring your own picnic mats with light food and snacks, or savour a series of exquisite and elegant English-style afternoon tea sets on offer from a local food provider at the venue. Then sit back and behold a magnificent 50- member orchestra perform a live concert featuring the theme song of the movie Harry Porter, as well as the opera Carmen, the theme song of the movie Laputa, Castle in the Sky and many other great songs, creating the perfect ambience for a chill weekend sunset. In addition, visitors can take part in workshops focusing on percussion, puppeteering or aromatherapy. There is also the option of just sitting back and appreciating the performances from the Ponte Jazz Band parading around you with their sweet music as well.
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