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漫.遊.眾樂 @中環夏誌

Shinywinds in Central 2018 - Classic ACG Showcase @SummerFest

24/ 08/ 2018

18:00 - 21:00

CVM再度與眾樂團合作,在週五黃昏時分起,舉行《漫・遊・眾夏夜》戶外音樂會,在中環海濱帶來長達三小時的管樂團表演,培育好心情,迎接週末假期。是次音樂會以一系列耳熟能詳的動畫及電玩音樂為主題,包括:「瑪利奧兄弟」、「海賊王」、「魯邦三世」、「男兒當入樽」及「Keroro軍曹」等,總有一首能喚起大家的童年回憶。眾樂團更會與眾同樂,歡迎懂得演奏樂器的市民,事前報名參與,當日便可帶同自家樂器與樂團一起Jam歌。如果大家有興趣當日一齊傳達歡樂既音樂比大家既話,就Inbox 報名!Inbox時請註明自己玩既樂器!早啲報名就可以提供譜比大家預習.

CVM will join hands with Shinywinds again to organise a delightful outdoor concert at the Central Harbourfront during Friday evening, August 24th. Playing a programme of classic ACG-theme songs such as Super Mario Bros, One Piece, Slam Dunk, Keroro Gunsō and others, this musical extravaganza will bring back pleasant childhood memories while entertaining all music lovers under the moon and stars. If you play a musical instrument, why not bring it along and jam with the band?

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