賞想文創節 Think of a Market @SummerFest
25/ 08/ 2018
15:00 - 21:00
《中環夏誌》以文青最愛的手作市集、街頭音樂表演及跳舞比賽作結,CVM再一次將聯同賞想舉辦一連兩天的《賞想文創節》。是次市集邀來超過三百位來自日本、台灣及香港三地的設計師及手作人參與,當中好物推介包括:【在森林和圓嘢】療癒系綠色盆栽、【Make Your Day】變化多端的手工蠟燭、【Solidayz】自家製潮流帽飾、【Pawfume Lab】毛孩與主人都能合用的天然護理產品、還有來自台灣的精緻配飾品牌【HANNAH HUANG JEWELRY】及【Agaric Garden】。預計兩天市集將吸引超過六萬人入場選購創意手作。 活動不乏創意手作工作坊,大會贊助商Hoegaarden特別推出手作工房,包括由人氣花藝品牌 Pause Rewind & Fastforward 帶領的「漫鮮花製作體驗坊」及香港花藝飾物品牌 Pamycari 提供之「啤酒杯花藝蝕刻創作坊」。 此外,「賞想文創節」送上悠揚的街頭音樂表演,當中包括人氣十足、日本清新男孩Mr. Wally及超靚聲Judas Law ( 羅凱鈴 )的演出。
SummerFest 2018 concludes this summer holiday with a cool handicrafts market, a series of busking performances and a dance contest. CVM collaborates with Think of a Style again to hold a two-day super event for culture-savvy youngsters. Think of a Market will assemble over 300 talented handicraft designers and vendors from across Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. Key vendors this year include the succulent plants brand - ForestRoundRound, creative candle shop - Make Your Day, trendy handmade hats label - Solidayz, plus Pawfume Lab’s all-natural grooming products for furry pets and their masters, beautiful Taiwanese jewelry and accessories brands HANNAH HUANG JEWELRY, and Agaric Garden. More than 60,000 visitors are expected for this two-day market fair. Enjoy a fresh flower workshop hosted by iconic local floral art design brands Pause Rewind & Fastforward, and Pamycarie that use beautiful flowers to craft elegant home decorations. Personalise a souvenir at the glass etching workshop by engraving patterns and words onto the signature Hoegaarden glass.This year Think of a Market@SummerFest will also bring busking performances starring Mr. Wally, Judas Law, and other local musicians to perform non-stop soulful tunes to the delight of their fans.