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Living Art Space《The Base: Fuelling the Body and the Soul》@SummerFest



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身心平衡乃豐盛健康生活的根源,每個人都值得擁有屬於自己的生活方式。豐盛身心の駅由豐盛生活集團全力支持,以正念融入生活, 透過瑜伽、聲浴等一系列聯繫大自然及身心靈的身體藝術活動,讓參與人士置身海天一色的中環海濱,舒暢感受這不一樣的日子。

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Physical and psychological well-being is the key to a healthy, fulfilling life, so each of us should lead our own life. The Base, powered by FSL Group Ltd., connects visitors with nature, enriches their souls, and fills their lives with positivity through yoga, sound spa, and other rejuvenating activities in Central Harbourfront.

© 2024 Central Venue Management & Serious Staging Limited

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