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Think of a Market II @SummerFest Social
Date: 26-27 August 2017(Sat & Sun)
Time: 4-10pm
由 賞·想Think of a Style 與CVM(中環海濱活動空間管理公司)及 Dance Kingdom合辦全港最大型市集,集結設計、生活、美食、音樂及戶外活動元素,在欣賞維港及摩天輪美景同時,也能購買亞洲最出色的設計品。
Think of a Market is one of the Hong Kong's largest markets for amazing designers across Asia. It is a collection of innovative design, lifestyle, handcraft, music, gourmet and much more. This summer, visitors could explore the finest design goods next to the spectacular Victoria Harbour skyline and iconic Observation Wheel.
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