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Youth SportsFest
Date: 15-16 July 2017(Sat & Sun)
Time: 2pm - 6pm
青年體育節由Central Venue Management (CVM)聯同多個體育協會合辦的大型青少年活動,對象為8至16歲青少年;當天活動包括體驗訓練、工作坊及不同運動項目如棒球、棍網球、板球、地壺球、舉重、美式足球、健球及舞獅。另外,特殊奧林匹克安排滾球及地板曲棍球活動。透過在場專業教練的指導,參加者能親身體驗兩個運動項目之餘,更可與特奧運動員交流及進行比賽。
Youth SportsFest features alternative sports activities targeted for teenagers aged 8-16. Sports games, trials and workshops of baseball, cricket, lacrosse, floor curling, weightlifting, American football, kin-ball, and lion dance will be held. Special Olympics also offers bocce and floor hockey activities. The event is open to public free of charge.
Pre-registration has closed. But please feel free to come and play! Walk-in is more than welcome!
優先登記已經結束, 未有登記也可前來參加!
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